Fabian Girod (Founder)
German born, half French, working in the Netherlands; background as an Economist, with several years experience in banking and consultancy
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- loves different perspectives
- takes nothing for granted
- loves to ideate
- is creative and curious
- plays best in a team
- is diverse in experiences
- graduated as economist in economic policy and econometrics; is a trained banker, spend several years in banks in Germany, Ireland and New Zealand; has been working for two years as consultant in a research institute for energy economics; has been a lecturer since 2006 for Fontys University of applied science and led in the past the International office and Innovation Lab; has been teaching in the UK at Plymouth University for six years.
- My family,
- running,
- experiencing new things,
- travelling,
- getting to know new people.
Frederik Hoolhorst
Dutch nationality, background in industrial design engineering, design research and education.
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- Focuses on the essence of a case
- Thinks out-of-the-box, but
- Keeps feasibility in mind
- graduated as an industrial design engineer; received a PhD in user-centered design; spend several years as an engineer and researcher within International operating companies and renowned academia. Has been involved as a lecturer at Fontys University of Applied Science within mechanical engineering and industrial design engineering courses, which particularly relate to design research, design strategy, scenario-based design, consumer and user behavior, sustainability and ethics.
- family
- cooking
- running
- a passionate creater.