Do you face a strategic challenge?
Do you value new insights? We help you tackling a challenge within a short period of time with little of your resources. We provide an interdisciplinary and open innovation process to deliver prototypes of solutions through a hackathon. The hackathon as tool has proven to be an invaluable source of ideas in open innovation. The hackathon is an efficient and effective tool to generate insights for your business.
Hackathons are proven grounds for new ideas. They’re especially a good tool to stimulate the creative and problem-solving juices of a team. Unlike in our daily jobs where risk-taking may be frowned upon, a hackathon features low costs of failure. Outsiders can bring a fresh perspective to business challenges.
Problems usually contain the seeds of opportunity. It takes a trained eye to recognize them. The average person sees only the problems and quickly gives up. But in our hackathon we push on through the challenges to identify and capitalize upon the opportunities they contain.
We form an interdisciplinary team of colleagues or students and guide them through an intensive pressure cooking session. The time limitation during a hackathon forces multidisciplinary participants to distil their visionary concepts down to actionable solutions. We as BetterIdeas direct this 3-day process and coach the team.
A hackathon is structured as follows
- A kick-off at your company; outlining the challenge together with you; putting the topic in broader context for the participants of the hackathon
- An intensive 3-day workshop, e.g. incl. problem analysis, consumer needs exploration, requirement management, solution sketching, scenario methodologies and / or prototyping
- It takes place in an inspiring venue, off workplace
- An evaluation after 3-day workshop – Feedback to you and team
What we deliver
- Consultancy to analyse your challenge and advice on the leading question for the hackathon
- A weekend (2,5 day) at an external location
- One or more concepts developed through the hackathon
- A prototype solution(s) based on the developed concepts
- A pitch at your company with the hackathon participants
- Digitalised documentation of the event e.g. drawings, prototypes, visuals etc.
- A feedback session with participants and you
- and we consult you in your implementation process upon request
- Kick-off at company as an added value for identification of participants with assignment and sponsor. It further provides necessary insights to the business
- The intense weekend results in a deep learning experience, which offers a deeper insight in content and processes with focus on your company
- Coaching through our interdisciplinary team offers better feedback in a hackathon